
The Madness of Integrity . . .

So, I thought I would take a tiny break from working on the new site (MadBoy.org coming soon!) and write a blurb on integrity - very much inspired by the Dr. Conrad Murray trial . . .

I could care less what happens to Dr. Murray and don't have an opinion on the specific outcome . . . There is one item of importance that resonates in my mind, however - INTEGRITY

Artists share a unique role in the world, alongside Doctors, Politicians, any Public Figure - We are movers. While our work may not always be liked or embraced, there is no denying the fact that the most important work moves people (sometimes shakes in all directions!)

I'm sure everyone can think of at least one 'mover' who has given away their integrity, or simply put - SOLD OUT. Sadly, too many of our movers give away their integrity for so little when it is all we really have in this life. . . 

Take all of this as you will (although I'm not afraid to say there's not a lot of integrity left in the US Government . . said it, don't care!)

Be YOU and superlative Art will follow, I promise.

The Mad Boy


MadBoy.org is coming soon . . .


Quick update - the reason there hasn't been any updates is beeeecaaauuuse TheMadBoy.blogspot.com will soon become MadBoy.org! Lot's of sleepless nights at the ward . . . er, I mean sleepless nights in my room with my imaginary friends.

Much better to be sleepless, agitated & excited than to be lukewarm, stagnant & content.

The Mad Boy